That’s the only way to If You Don’t Like Me I Don’t Care Shirt deal with it. And since a number of states have made striking illegal for educators, you’re either going to have to all do it, or it won’t work. If every teacher in the United States refused to work until and unless the country met your demands, the entire economy would grind to a halt within days, and you’d be listened to. But you won’t, because you’re scared. Just look in this thread, there are still teachers here pandering to the ownership class pulling the strings. “We have to do it for the If You Don’t Like Me I Don’t Care Shirt kids!” It’s a job, and honestly, not a very good one as of late. And either the teachers of this country will have to find a way to dig down and pull together, or you might as well just get comfortable to the idea of being ridden all the way into the sunset.
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For real. This is just a If You Don’t Like Me I Don’t Care Shirt jab at capitalism more than it is a concern for children. Children need to be in school because they need the benefits of being in school. And at this point in the pandemic there is no reason for them not to be in school.
We all know how effective remote learning was to students reading and math. Too much learning was lost due to remote learning. Closing schools again will create a generation of kids with subpar reading, writing and math skills. Kids need to be in a physical classroom to learn. Remote learning is completely effective to students who are actually trained and prepared. It’s identical in almost every way – unless you think touching and smelling the teacher is critical to the learning process?For students, especially those who are in after care as well as the regular school day, there are parts of the Octopus Funny Santa Reindeer Shirt
day that are not strictly educational, it is supervised play, eating, or just relaxing in a safe environment. This might be more clear to me from my vantage point, since I teach during the school day and then run classes in the school building through community ed after school. The kids benefit from a structured school day as well as high-quality care. The school fulfills roles as both “school” and “community center” and it’s definitely to the greater good.
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