While unappealing to I Won’t Cry For You My Mascara Is Too Damn Expensive Shirt eat, these diseases affecting bananas are not a threat to human health, however, when in doubt, throw it out or compost them. It’s an absolute behemoth of a tree compared to the other banana trees we have. We have dwarf cavendish trees. Those you can reach the bunch and cut it off. With the Gros Michel, I guess you’d have to cut the I Won’t Cry For You My Mascara Is Too Damn Expensive Shirt whole tree down. We were visiting and usually, I’d help with the making of the juice, cutting up mangos and such, till I cut open a worm-infested mango. It was filled with hundreds of tiny maggots that had eaten their way into the mango and made a little nice home inside it. I shrieked and showed my grandma and to my horror, she shrugs it off and says “you’ve never noticed them anyways, they just taste like mango cause that’s all they eat.” She chops up that mango and throws it in the blender along with the other pieces of nice mangos we had already put in there and liquified them all.
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Bananas need to be cut I Won’t Cry For You My Mascara Is Too Damn Expensive Shirt in half before eating them. -Double-checking after each bite isn’t necessary but your brain will do it anyway because of what you just learned and it will haunt you for the rest of your life. I stare in horror, and my little cousin skips right into the kitchen and says “oooo mango juice!!” while my grandma pours her a glass and she happily skips out of the kitchen drinking her maggot juice. Now that I think about it I think my parents we’re just more interested in themselves lmao, mom was buying 500$+ Gucci shades while I had holes in my shirts/pants. Start with 1 or Jesus Kingdom Of God Shirt
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