Wow not much discussion going on about the judge’s fire To My Daughter Mom Mothers Day Shirt clapbacks at those Apple lawyer’s responses? Cause the judge is right, Apple still continues to manufacture, package, and ship bricks, just like separately, this really undercuts their argument of “environmental benefits, environmental concerns”. Thumbs up for you judge. I’m not in the Apple ecosystem so I just didn’t think about that; about how I could go to the Apple store and see what they have listed as things they sell, one of those things being just that charging brick accessory. Of course, there are legal states, but those are almost all blue states with a few exceptions (Alaska for example). The states that call for personal To My Daughter Mom Mothers Day Shirt freedoms are the ones keeping people from exercising those freedoms. It’s almost as if they want you to be free to live a life that they prescribe.
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Also some places To My Daughter Mom Mothers Day Shirt (like Chicago) weed is so heavily taxed that it makes more financial sense to go black market. The west coast did pretty alright though! Keeping proper THC weed illegal stops researchers from getting grants that could further our understanding of these psychoactive drugs. This can also be said of psychedelics. From that we can also look at equity, and how these drug laws primarily affect marginalized communities because weed is as criminal as Worlds Greatest Husband For Cute Stepfather Fathers Day Shirt
heroin. Continuing the war on drugs is not only expensive, it’s immoral. When those folks talk about freedom, it’s the freedom to do what they want and to push their antiquated religious beliefs on everyone else.
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