People don’t open their trunk mid-argument to grab something because they want to Pi Spiral Novelty For Pi Day Math Teacher 3.14 Shirt. We have no idea what he is pulling out. You should have every right to defend yourself in this situation. I would have hit the gas and called the cops. Since I’m afraid for my life, I panic and play bumper cars with his Bentley. What was I going to do officer? You should have seen the hatred in his eyes. I thought he was grabbing a gun and I had to get out of there. Yeah… honestly, with this video footage, it would not have been a surprise if he’d been run Pi Spiral Novelty For Pi Day Math Teacher 3.14 Shirt. His interaction as the boot opens, the threat, the mouthing of something like “you watch” or “you wait”, it’s pretty clear there’s a direct and immediate threat of harm to the person.No space to pull around and in what looks like a truck or van I’m not going to outrun his Bentley. He’s signaled beyond doubt that he’s intending violence, at that point, I would do what it takes to make myself safe especially with footage that backs up my decision. For fucking real. The moment I see you pull a weapon is the moment you become the meat in the metal car sandwich.
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Props to the recorder for staying calm. The Bentley driver probably Pi Spiral Novelty For Pi Day Math Teacher 3.14 Shirt realizes just how lucky he is here. It would not have been beyond unreasonable (and I’d imagine a jury would agree) for the driver to have done exactly that, to hit the gas and call the cops. Using a car as a weapon is pretty frowned upon in the UK but given the situation, it’s well within what’s justified. It’s exactly as you state – even though this is the UK where a gun is less likely, the guy is clearly dodgy and nobody does that mid-argument unless it’s to cause Funny Pi Day Rate Pirate Lovers Math Geek Gifts Boys Shirt. I would have suspected a gun or a knife, and I think I would have made the call that this guy’s life is not worth more than mine. The moment he went for the trunk I would’ve slammed it into reverse. Gone around, maybe taken the door off for extra points. Yeah that’s what I was thinking if someone’s threatening you with a weapon that could break your window, I’m pretty sure it’s not your fault if you smash their car trying to escape when you fear for your life
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