As far as the costs of the Nice Westie Flag Colors Shirt Old Guard’s (3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment) Tomb detail, it’s actually pretty minuscule. It’s not like they are servicing tanks, or constantly performing combat training. Service as a Tomb Guard is voluntary, and again the detail is highly sought after, as well as extremely selective. The movements are practiced since every movement has a meaning. Many of the movements are based around having 21 parts, signifying the highest symbolic military honor you can bestow, which is the 21-gun salute. It works fantastically well and is part of why US soldiers fight and die so well even in conflicts that, rationally speaking, they have no reason to be participating in. It is also one of many things that separate effective professional armies (like those of the US and some European nations) from ineffective ones, such as the Afghan National Army which never had such esprit de corps and had no chance of beating the Nice Westie Flag Colors Shirt Taliban despite the billions of dollars in matériel we provided them with. (The Taliban, meanwhile, hang together and fight effectively because they have pre-existing political and social structures and kin-bonds that give them a great reason to fight and die together.) I was in the Air force and, in basic training, I was called out by my T.I. because I didn’t take some of the rules seriously enough. In our footlocker, we had to hang our hangers an inch apart and had to fold our underwear and t-shirts a specific size, etc. I had no problem actually doing that but I didn’t understand what that had to do with my future AF career.
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Luckily, I had a good T.I. who Nice Westie Flag Colors Shirt explained it to me. He said that if I wasn’t capable of hanging hangers at an inch apart, how was I supposed to work on a multi-million dollar jet? Made perfect sense to me. You’d be surprised how many people weren’t able to hang their hangers an inch apart. Scary. David Lee Roth requested that they get a bowl of M&M’s and that every green m&m be picked out. When David Lee Roth would inspect the bowl of m&m’s and the green ones were still there he would go through the stage and lighting setup personally with the stage crew to avoid any issues. His reasoning was similar, he said it was a When You Go Pontooning Stay Away From Them You Don’t Need That Kind Of Negativity Shirt safety issue. I’m summarizing a lot of the story. But you get it. Also important to remember that this clip is from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and as those interred or remembered there sacrificed not just their lives but their whole identities, the Sentinels give the absolute very best they can as a sign of utmost respect. Which is why this particular inspection is so overly ceremonial.
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