OP he’s probably pissed you didn’t have a bucket of My Password Is Last 8 Digits Of Pi Funny Pi Day Gifts Shirt in your trunk. my man just really wanted to have some batting practice with you. Money makes men think they can take anyone in an altercation. I used to work at a strip club. I saw them proven wrong numerous times. It was nice seeing them limp back to their overly priced cars. Two rich dickheads just got put away for a handful of years due to bullshit at the local strip club. Punched some drunk old guy and he died when he hit the My Password Is Last 8 Digits Of Pi Funny Pi Day Gifts Shirt. The rich fucks pleaded not guilty despite the dozens of witnesses and security camera footage. perhaps I’m interpreting this incorrectly, but it appears his terrible driving goes back further. he was number 6 and number 4 worst driver back in October/November of 2021. maybe this is just the same video getting recirculated though. So what happened in the end? The camera car has the patience of a Saint to put up with his nonsense. Well someone lost a lot of money on the stock market today and has to go home to his wife and tell her that they have to sell both the house and the Bentley.
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Yeah, I live right outside of it and the car break-ins have gotten so bad lately My Password Is Last 8 Digits Of Pi Funny Pi Day Gifts Shirt. Just smashing windows and looking for guns. I work in NOLA and half expect to not have a window every time I get off work. The OP must be from West Virginia because it doesn’t sound smart to talk trash about the state with the highest murder rate. I used to travel for work and saw a lot of the US, small towns, and cities. I would always think to myself, “who would decide to live here?” Eventually, I went home and asked the same question. I absolutely love it here in New England. Live in a great walkable area but still in a wooded neighborhood and an acre of Unicorn Pi Day Quarantine Face Mask Pi Math Geek Girl 3.14 Shirt. Beautiful nature. Friendly people and a great community. Offers everything I need/want. I grew up in a town of 500. I live in a town of 1200 now. I drive through cities and think, “Who would decide to live here?” I hate stoplights. I hate traffic. I dislike people in general. Out here in no man’s land, I can basically do as I please. I never pull keys out of vehicles and don’t even own a set of keys for my house. My preferred form of entertainment is on a riverbank with a fishing pole or destroying mother nature on an ATV, so I will never want/need anything the city has to offer. It’s been months since I’ve been to a city of more than 10k people, and I like it that way.
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