Oh, I know. We had a Made In 1972 50 Years Of Being Awesome Shirt teacher die from COVID in July. My wife was the student service coordinator. She oversaw everything with SPED. The teacher that passed was a SPED teacher. The admin didn’t even attempt to replace him. Instead, they spent the funds elsewhere and just left that class teacherless. Was virtual learning just as good as in-person instruction the previous year? How would you feel as a Made In 1972 50 Years Of Being Awesome Shirt parent if you were being charged through your property taxes for in-person instruction but your children were only receiving subpar virtual instruction? No. They did not give any indication one way or the other what the protocol would be, and then announced it the week before school started, most likely as an attempt to force people to just accept it.
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Virtual learning was Made In 1972 50 Years Of Being Awesome Shirt just as good. As per anything with schools, you get out what you put in. We did just fine. I care about the children in our community, but I also care about the educators in our community. I’m also a realist and know that public education is hanging by a thread because teachers are so burned out, and when they leave, our opinions about what teachers should or shouldn’t be doing will be Nice Cat Extra Fries Shirt largely moot. Enough to know it’s all about the children and it’s always been about the children. Sorry, this career CHOICE hasn’t been as monetary rewarding as you were expecting. It doesn’t have all the honor and glory you were expecting. But at least no more children will suffer from your career CHOICES anymore.
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