Visitors of this Live Laugh Love Dachshund Shirt park have to attend a bear safety talk beforehand, so they were literally taught what to do in this situation, and according to some links posted they were being led by a guide as well. Yet so many people in the comments call them absolute morons to feel good about themselves. I would honestly say no single phrase has been more ruinous to the American economic landscape than “job creators.” It makes it sound like businesses are hiring people out of altruism and we should be thankful to them, rather than businesses being grateful to have people willing to work to Live Laugh Love Dachshund Shirt benefit a business they themselves have no stake in. Those things go together though, they’re inseparable. Being efficient at running a society doesn’t make you more money and Capitalism is entirely about infinite growth. Make numbers bigger, faster, all of the time and forever! But we live in a finite world meaning their use of that wealth will never work for humanity as a whole.
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We don’t “let them”, we can’t do Live Laugh Love Dachshund Shirt anything about it. Congress has the power to stop this, but the only people who can effectively run for congressional seats are the people that Congress allows to run for those seats, and Congress only allows people who are going keep their current system in place. There was no reason for him to lose. He won the Gulf War and retreated the troops. The economy wasn’t even doing that badly. USSR crumbled. There was no reason for Clinton to really win other than simply being different and more exciting perhaps.In fact, it can be said that Ross Perot 19% vote for an independent was a record-breaking vote tally for a 3rd party, that really destroyed Bush’s almost-guaranteed-victory. The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy. Mr. Hoover was an engineer. He knew that water trickles down. Put it uphill and let it go and it will reach the I’m A Campaholic On The Road To Recovery Just Kidding I’m On The Road Campsite Shirt driest little spot. But he didn’t know that money trickled up. Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night, anyhow. But it will at least have passed through the poor fellow’s hands. Seeing someone else talk about this just made me happy. Every time I mention how important it is for money to change hands and change hands quickly for an economy to be healthy in a conversation people look at me like I’m crazy. And it’s such a basic thing I don’t know how so many people don’t get it.
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