His mom has I Don’t Always Stop And Look At Cows Shirt always been aware of our shenanigans but optimistically assumed that he actively stayed out of trouble. However, she was still very nosey and wanted to know what we would get up to when adults weren’t around. Of course, if we knew she was listening in on our phone conversations, we would filter what we say. She understood this too, and wanted to know what we would say if we didn’t know she was listening, so if he I Don’t Always Stop And Look At Cows Shirt announced her presence she would get upset with him thinking that he was trying to be sneaky (which he was). This is why we came up with this system. It keeps her blissfully unaware that we’re censoring ourselves and keeps him out of trouble. We’re all grown now and don’t get up to many shenanigans these days, so it’s not as useful as it once was, but all his calls always start with “can you hear me?”, purely out of habit.
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Edit 2: can’t believe I have to I Don’t Always Stop And Look At Cows Shirt say this, but his mom isn’t/wasnot some abusive tyrannical monster. She’s a well-put-together woman who has accomplished a lot and built her family’s life from the ground up. She can be nosey, but not unreasonable. When I agreed with a comment below saying that she could sometimes be a “nightmare”, that didn’t mean she was a bad mother. It just meant sometimes she would blow up on him about bad grades or if she I Don’t Stop Painting When I Get Old I Get Old When I Stop Painting Artist Classic Shirt found out we were doing something we shouldn’t have been doing. Not abusive, just disappointed/angry because she wants the best for him. From the outside looking in, it might’ve seemed like a nightmare to me (comparatively because my mother is very easygoing) but in reality, she was just really hard on him sometimes. Albeit deserved for doing stupid shit. So quit it with all the comments hating on a woman you’ve never met, it’s weird.
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