I only agree with Bourbon And Horses Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt her if there is an undemocratic coup of the federal government. In that case, I do hope blue states can fight back and possibly break away but again, it’s clear she, and others on the right saying similar things, is not worried about tyranny but about losing political power via the existing democratic system and not wanting to adapt to attract more voters, instead of appealing more and more to the far right, as a Bourbon And Horses Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt reasonable political party would. It’s worth noting that Hitler’s first coup didn’t succeed, either. If our current state of affairs continues and nobody is held accountable, there is absolutely no reason to believe that Republicans won’t try again. This kind of rhetoric should make this obvious, and it must be frustrating for younger politicians because the old guard is standing in their way. They won’t suffer the consequences of a one-party dictatorship, but newer generations absolutely will.
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That is why these states are Bourbon And Horses Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt often becoming less and less democratic. The party in charge (which has generally been the same group of connected Good Ol’ Boys all along, just witj different party affiliations over time) feels threatened as they did at the end of the Jim Crow era and during reconstruction so they are trying everything they can to see what sticks to maintain power indefinitely. There was a big hubbub here in Texas when locals wanted to prevent college students from the primarily black Prairie View A&M University from voting where they lived for school. Despite having completed all the necessary requirements for establishing residency in Texas. (These were mainly instated kids, they just I Used To Be Cool Now I’m Just My Dogs Snack Dealer Shirt didn’t want them voting in local elections). This is Waller county Texas though, some of the Sandra Bland tragedy and also where very recently an idiot teenager was “rolling coal” on some cyclists, lost control of his truck and hit like 6 of them, only to sent home with no charges pressed immediately, supposedly because his daddy is a local big-timer. (County DA did reverse that and charged the kid, and publicly said that local LE totally fucked up there).
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