There is very few species Cute Sheep Mom Farmer Mothers Day Shirt that can grow inside the human body and this only happens in rare cases of people who are severely immunocompromised or have had other damaging diseases. The vast majority of people will have zero reaction to breathing in mold, we are breathing it inconstantly. For some people who are overly exposed to mold and happen to be allergic, it can cause allergies. A few years ago I had this exact mold grow out of an opened V8 energy can that someone had left behind on a shelf for a week or so. I don’t remember exactly but I was able to find it online and it’s some sort of weird mold that can grow where animal carcass matter was/ is. This led me to Cute Sheep Mom Farmer Mothers Day Shirt discovering V8 has some issues with animal parts finding their way into their drinks. The whole thing was highly disturbing. I do not drink V8 anymore.
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It’s funny. A lot of people here are Cute Sheep Mom Farmer Mothers Day Shirt going insane that OP shouldn’t touch it and is basically already half-dead yet all fail to provide a source. So I did a little google search. First in my native language (Dutch) and then in English to find (mostly) American sources. And the difference is quite big. In Dutch they say to just cut away sightings of mold on fruit that have low moisture content (apples and pears for instance) and you can still eat the fruit. With the American sources, even an adult can die when inhaling spores from a piece of fruit. I’m not saying I would casually touch this, probably wash Soccer Mom Mothers Day Mom Socer Lovers Mothers Day Costume Shirt
my hands rigorously directly after and decontaminate my fridge (or run the dishwasher on empty if it was somehow left there to mold). But apparently the difference in how bad mold differs from country to country… (yes I did perform the same searches in both languages).
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